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Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A

Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A

  • 详情说明

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  • Power supply network

  • Natinal Grid

Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A

When built a self-contained power supply network, install the generator power factor controller PFC2010A in the system, it will automatically adjust the power factor, so that each diesel generator power factor remains consistent with each other, so as to maintain the most reasonable reactive power distribution, power generation systems running safely and efficiently.


When grid-connected generate power, install the generator power factor controller PFC2010A in the system, it will automatically adjust the power factor, lets the power factor run at the setting value, and lets diesel generator or hydropower, thermal power stable operate, effectively ensure the security and economy of the power grid.

Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A Digital Generation Power Factor Controller PFC2010A


Mr. Aaron Zhang

Dongguan XJK Tech Co., Ltd.

Beice Community, Humen Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China(Mainland)

Tel:     0086-18929206351

Fax:     0086-76981618126

E-mail:  aaron@dgxjk.com



When built a self-contained power supply network, install the generator power factor controller PFC2010A in the system, it will automatically adjust the power factor, so that each diesel generator power factor remains consistent with each other, so as to maintain the most reasonable reactive power distribution, power generation systems running safely and efficiently


When grid-connected generate power, install the generator power factor controller PFC2010A in the system, it will automatically adjust the power factor, lets the power factor run at the setting value, and lets diesel generator or hydropower, thermal power stable operate, effectively ensure the security and economy of power grid

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TEL:0086-769-81618126 / 008613713136615 Contact person:Anna Liu  网站地图 sitemap